Electromagnetic waves move according to the rules determined by (c+v)(c-v) mathematics. Therefore, electromagnetic communication is completely under the influence of this mathematics. A signal transmitter sends signals at different speeds to receivers that move at speeds different than its own. As a result of this, even if the receivers are at the same distance from the signal transmitter, they will receive a different part of the message that come to them at that moment. This differentiation that takes place is identified as Byte Shift

For the Byte Shift Effect to occur, it does not matter if the signal is digital or analogue, what type the signal modulation is, if the frequency of the transmitter is fixed or variable, or if the signal wavelength is fixed or variable. Byte shift occurs under any circumstances because it is an effect that occurs depending on the speeds of the signals transmitted. The fact that the signal transmitter and signal receiver are in motion relative to each other is sufficient and is the only condition for the occurrence of Byte Shift.

This animation is the animation of the picture used in the discussion of the topic in the book. We see the Byte Shift on the animation. Since the Byte Shift is explained in detail in the book, it is not explained here.

In the previous animation, the signals that go toward the planes appear as if they pass the planes and continue on their way. But the correct version is as in the one here. When the signals reach their target, their journey ends. I emphasized this issue in the book. Since it is an important detail, I wanted to show it here too.

A reader who read my book raised an objection by saying “How can you carry the message with a smooth sine wave at a constant frequency?”. I answered him: “I used a smooth sine wave while discussing the topic in the book to make it easier to understand.”. But I just could not convince him in any way.

Working principle of the model:
The working principle of this model which is based on periodically turning lights on and off is genuinely simple. 
The signal transmitter uses four different colors of light. Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow.
The transmitter sends the message that is composed of Bits by changing colors. 
Red and Blue represent the value 1 while Yellow and Green represent the value 0.
The transmitter sends a digital code such as 10011010111000 respectively in this way:
R: Red, B: Blue, G: Green, Y: Yellow
In order to avoid confusion in the sent and received messages, while the transmitter is sending the signal, if the same number comes up one after another, it changes color. For instance, a message part in the form of 000 is sent as GYG, and a part in the form of 1111 as RBRB. 
As can be understood, the Signal Tower turns on and off four different colored lamps within a constant frequency respectively according to the digital codes of the message.
The Signal Receiver, on the other hand, receives the message by converting the light sent from the signal tower into digital code according to its color value.

You can make a communication device based on this model even at home. It will definitely work.

In the animation, you can write your own message in the text box next to the Signal Tower, and send it to the receivers in the shuttle. 
I extended the Byte width a little to allow the animation to work in a wide range of characters. 
The animation enables communication over nine Bits. In other words, you can use the Turkish letters ĞÜŞİÖÇğüşıöç, and Unicode characters that are smaller than ten Bits in the text box. 

The lights that go from the signal tower to the shuttles in the animation, as a matter of course, behave in accordance with the (c+v)(c-v) mathematics. The animation can show the Byte Shift that occurs. 

Animation Controls
In the animation scene, you can drag the Shuttles, the Earth, and two Pink Dots with your mouse wherever you want.
The Pink Dots determine the movement direction of the Shuttles. Wherever you want a Shuttle to move, it is enough to carry the Pink Dot there. When you press the Play button, the Shuttles will move towards the Pink Dot that belong to them.

Viewing the Byte Shift in the Animation
If the “Show Byte Shift” option is selected, the animation stops when the Shuttles arrive at the points that have the same distance to the transmitter. The text boxes that move with the Shuttles show how much of the message is received. When the animation stops, a small text box which shows the Bits received is added to each of the other text boxes (at the top of one and at the bottom of the other). By comparing the text in the boxes that belong to the Shuttles, you can see at what rate the Byte Shift occurs.
The message that a Shuttle received until that moment is as follows:
Received message = Letters in the text box + Bits in the Bit box


Numerical Steppers:
Shuttle 1: Changes the speed of the Shuttle 1.
Shuttle 2: Changes the speed of the Shuttle 2.
Light Speed: Changes the speed of signal.
Lamp Duration: Extend/reduce the duration in which the Signal Tower changes the colors.
Show Byte Shift: Stops the animation and shows the Byte Shift in case Byte shift occurs.

Alpha Button: When you cannot read the text boxes, you can make them legible by pressing the alpha button.

Small square buttons: You can make use of these buttons to see the effect of Byte Shift. These buttons place the Shuttles and the Earth in different positions. Please use these buttons in this order: “Reset > Small Square Button > Play”. The option “Show Byte Shift” must remain selected.

Reset Button: Returns to the last position set before Play Animation Button was pressed.

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